Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hear Ye, Hear Me

No, that's not a typo in the title. It's just a little self- and cross-promotion. You can listen to me on this here interweeb thingy by clicking on the link to the right that says Where I Work. (Or just click here)Then click on listen live and I'm there Monday -Friday 10 AM-3PM Atlantic time. And on some holidays and Saturday afternoons you can also catch me on-air. Cool, eh?

And on Wednesdays, Charles of kindly allows me to read one of my past posts on his show.




OMG! Going to have to bring a headset into my bedroom to listen so as not to disturb the Princess O' Darkness from her evil slumber...wish I were having an "evil slumber" tonight. Steroid Insomnia bites big time...LOL

Linda D. in Seattle

Unknown said...

I remember those could clean the house three times in an afternoon on steroids...if you could only move the paralyzed limbs....

Nervus Rex said...

Looks like a fun place to work, Shauna (lol, I feel like I am talking to myself :)

I am so glad to not have had the steroid experience yet!

Unknown said...

It is a fun place to work...and basically, I'm talking to myself all day.

As far as steroids go, some people have little in the way of side effects. My boss, who also has MS, got a little bit of the munchies, and that was it.
