The lady slippers are in bloom out back of the building and I took a few pics. They will follow as well. And I found a caterpillar similar to a wooly bear. It curled up in self defense of course and I left it on the picnic table while we ate supper. Every few minutes I'd look at it and it hadn't moved....until suddenly it was gone from the table. Not anywhere on the ground. I searched under the table and everywhere it could possibly go. No sign of it. It just disappeared! Like my water boatman and my caddisfly, it was gone. I was going to let it go. Honest! I just wanted a pic when it was all stretched out. *Sigh*
First, I apologize for my neglect in getting here to read the past few days...and second, I'm SOOO glad I got here today! Cranky Baby is adorable (I mean the 90 year old fellar who LOOKS like Cranky Baby!)...what a hoot! Or loosely translated in southern english, "Love the photos".
Linda D. in Seattle
No apology needed. Just glad you got here. I should have taken the pic of him smiling as well - before and after shots so to speak.
Okay...what's with the cranky baby...I don't get it. Did I miss something? BTW, if you'd like to borrow a LIVE cranky baby, I happen to have one on hand. :)
Everybody...this is Bernadette (Bern), a co-worker of mine.
Bern, Cranky Baby is going on adventures with me and the Bike Tour this year to spread the word about the Bike Tour. If you read back to March, you'll find out how we met.
And no thanks on the real cranky baby....:) Though she is adorable.
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