Friday, January 8, 2010

52 WBC - Week One

This past year saw my landlord construct a baby barn that sits on the front part of the property. It was built specifically for the few of us in the building who have bicycles and were getting tired of lugging them in and out, up and down stairs, nicking walls and doorways. It is a wonderful addition and greatly appreciated. Although now I haven't got a structure to hang my Christmas ornaments on (but that's another story).

Anyway, about a month ago, I put my bike rack in the barn as well. The day I did that, it was rather chilly, and I had a hard time getting the door open. Couldn't do it actually, without the help of our superintendent, Bruce. I supplied the screwdriver and he did the heavy work. The wood in the door had expanded with humidity, but it never contracted with the cold for some reason.

So today, being the end of the first week of 2010, and my last chance to begin my 52 WBC, I went to get the bike out of the barn. Couldn't do it. Went in to get the hammer to assist with the lock. Went back in to get the screw driver to assist with the door. Fetched the shovel to clear away some snow that prevented the door from swinging all the way open. By the time all that was done, I was pooped. But I was determined to get out on the bike today, as the weather's supposed to get colder tomorrow and for several days after.

I left the barn door unlocked when I went for my ride so I could have a little easier time of it to put the bike away. I was out for 30 minutes cruising around my neighbourhood, stopping to have a handful of mini shredded wheat. The temperature was hovering at -1 degree so my body wasn't cold, but my eyes watered like the dickens, and my cheeks were rather chilled if I pedaled faster than 5 kilometres an hour. Lucky for me, my legs are so not used to pedaling, I couldn't go faster than 5k an hour if my life depended on it. Four months away from the bike and my thighs are slacking off. I guess I have to get some serious hiking in to keep them in shape, as the walking isn't really an effective exercise for those muscles.

Back home, I struggled with the doors again, finally getting Bruce to come out and assist me. By the time I got back I was useless, the legs like jelly, fierce hunger (it was lunch time) making me weak, and a nap beckoning me. We figured out how to get the doors open and closed without the use of tools, though, so hopefully it won't be a half hour exercise to just get the bike out from now on.

And tonight? My legs are still like jelly. I'm afraid what tomorrow will bring. Very afraid.....


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