Monday, May 5, 2008

Row row row your boatman....

On the bug front, interesting news. Of sorts. I suspect the largest of the caddis fly larvae ate one of the littler ones. I found bits of it on the bottom of the aquarium. On Saturday we were outside sitting in the sun for a bit and a bug dropped from the sky in front of me. I got up to investigate and discovered a cute little water boatman. They fly from pond to pond looking for food and mates and occasionally drop to the earth for a rest. Of course I scooped it up and took it inside to the aquarium and plopped it in. It dove to the bottom immediately and spent a little time swimming around. A few hours later I went back to take a look and he was gone. It's been two days and there's no sign of it anywhere. I will undoubtedly find a little dried exoskeleton at some point.



Nervus Rex said...

I know that it's the circle of life but it still makes me a bit sad!



Some people have skeletons in their closet...YOU have exoskeletons! I'm not sure which might be worse...LOL

How are you feeling, BTW?

Linda D. in Seattle

Unknown said...

I'm all too aware of the circle of life...though I say, better them than me.

Doing pretty well, actually. Just trying to get into my regular routine of staying awake during the day now...

mdmhvonpa said...

So long as you don't wake up in the middle of the night with a 'boatman' trying to row up you nostril!

Unknown said...

Still no sign of the boatman...anywhere!
