Sunday, May 15, 2011

Still Here

Hey everybody! I’m still here. I finished up my first year of studies last month and have been trying to catch up on sleep and rest. I’m afraid that it took more out of me physically than I had anticipated. Looking back, I sometimes wonder how I kept going.

There’s not a lot new going on. I will spend the summer on a few projects both at the building and at the Sackville Rivers Association (SRA) office. I’m looking forward to starting up again in September to learn more stuff.
I did accept a (volunteer) position on the Board of Directors for the SRA. I hate meetings of more than two people, but hopefully these guys have agendas. If not, they WILL have them from now on. I went into the office recently only to discover that our dear leader, Walter, had been ordered by the fire department to do some “clean up” of all the papers on the walls and in storage. So I’ve begun the daunting task, along with my new best friend, Melissa (from school), of sorting through 20 plus years of paperwork. We need a database of all the info we’ve gathered over the years related to the river, the watershed, acid rain, etc….Apparently there is some sort of one somewhere already, but it’s probably buried underneath all the paperwork. Now that I have the basics to do database on the computer, I think we’ll have a better shot of building something everyone can use and have access to.

And of course, the CCSVI saga continues. I went to a most interesting lecture the other night, presented by neurologists and a neurology physician assistant. Are you interested in learning about why we need clinical trials? How long it takes for a drug or treatment to reach the general public? Why we shouldn’t be jumping on the CCSVI bandwagon? Then stay tuned dear readers as I have the answers.


kmilyun said...

finally a post yeah! I was starting to wonder if you had just decided not to blog. glad that it was just because you were busy!


Herrad said...

I just passed by to say hello.
I hope you are doing well.

Unknown said...

Hi Ladies,

Thanks for stopping by...and checking to see that I'm back in the saddle.
